Home Loan Advice

Home Loan Advice

Property ownership is the single largest purchase that most Australian’s will make in their lives. With a saturated market of home loan products to choose from, finding the right loan is becoming increasingly complicated. At Oak Tree Finances, we can help with qualified and genuine home loan advice!

If you’re buying your first property or looking to add to a growing portfolio, our home financing advisor can help you with the right loan structuring, asset protection advice, and estate planning to get the most out of your property ownership. As each and every client is different, our home loan advice is tailored and personalised to your unique situation.

Interested to find out more about how the right home loan advice can help with owning your first home or tenth? Get in touch with our home loan advisor on 0404 403 066 today for the right advice tailored to your financial goals and strategies.

Home Loan Advice for Every Stage of Your Life

Buying Your First Home

Buying your first home can seem daunting, overcomplicated, and even hard to know where to start. At Oak Tree Finances, our home financing advisor team provide simple and straightforward home loan advice to make the entire process of financing and buying your first home easy to understand, so that you can take that first step towards first homeownership sooner rather than later.

Some questions our home loan advisor can help you with include:

Whether you’re just starting to dip your toes in the market, or are ready to buy but don’t know where to start, get in touch with us and speak to a dedicated home loan advisory broker today.

Buying Your Second Home

Buying your second home can be an exciting time but poses a different set of questions. By this stage, most borrowers have become familiar with the process of buying property and the types of home loan products available.

Our home financing advisor can assist you with a range of second home ownership questions including:
• Using equity from your first home to borrow for the second home.
• Selling your existing property and moving into the new property.
• Keeping both properties with appropriate loan structuring.
• Cost, risks, and the home loan process differences.

If you’re looking to buy a holiday home or sell your current home and move into a new one, get in touch with us on 0404 403 066 for tailored home loan advice to make buying your second home streamlined and hassle-free.

Buying an Investment Property

Interested in buying an investment property or looking to add to your portfolio and need the right investment property advice? With property investment on the rise across Australia, there are a range of considerations that you should take into account. For example, what is the most effective structure for tax minimisation or what is the most effective situation for the protection of assets?

That’s where a dedicated investment home financing advisor can help. When buying an investment property, the right investment property advice can be the difference between an effective tax minimisation and asset growth structure that continues to produce long-term gains, to a portfolio with average growth and returns.

Our home loan advisory team will work closely with you and any financial advisors you have to ensure that your property loans are structured appropriately and finely attuned to your financial goals and strategies.

Our mortgage advisor team can help you with all areas of investment property ownership including:
• Determining the correct borrowing entity.
• Joint ownership considerations.
• The pros and cons of cross collateralisation
• Negative gearing and interest-only loans.
• Lender and loan assistance for your chosen structuring.

Whether you are buying an investment property for the first time or are looking to add to your growing portfolio, get in touch with a mortgage advisor at loans@oaktreefinances.com.au for specialised property investment and home loan advice.

Property Investment Advice for Retirement

Property investment continues to be an important vehicle for wealth accumulation for many Australians. With over 2.1 million Australians now owning investment property/s across Australia, ensuring that all aspects of your property portfolio are well taken care of is vital to your personal goals and the financial success of your portfolio.

At Oak Tree Finances, our home loan advisory team take a three-pillared approach with our property investment advice to ensure you are getting the most out of your portfolio. When you work with an Oak Tree Finance mortgage advisor, we can help you with tax minimisation strategies, asset structuring advice, and effective estate planning. With a well thought out investment plan throughout your working years, transitioning to retirement will be a breeze.

Learn more about our investment loan advice and get in touch with a home loan advisor from our mortgage broker Gold Coast team by calling us on 0404 403 066 for all your home loan advice needs.

Ready to get the best in mortgage finance? Make an appointment or call us on 0404 403 066 to discuss your unique circumstances with a home loan advisory expert today.

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